* Brick with Galvanished iron roof
* Set on 2 1/2 acres
* Small bistro seating 22 partrons
* Single bar opperation
* Pool room
* 4 rental room
* The Owner lives in 2 rooms of the motel with private bathroom.
* Using a glycol System
* Staffed by 2 owners plus 3 casuals
Contact Broadwalk Business Brokers for more information today.
Broadwalk Business Brokers specialists in the sale of Businesses right around Australia. We deal in everything from Cleaning Business for sale, Cafe's Franchises, Fitness Centres, Manufacturing Businesses, Convenience Stores, Export/Import Businesses for sale, though to caravan parks, motels and resorts and Hotels. If you would like more information on any Business, or would like to view other similar Businesses, please visit our websites
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